" We, the men and women of the Mountain Valley Emergency Communications Center, are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities we serve by providing an effective channel of communications between the public and public safety providers. We are committed to providing a professional response to each call for service that is caring and helpful. We are responsible for the uninterrupted flow of information in the area of emergency communication. We are organized, trained and committed to maximize effective and efficient public services and to maintain a positive work environment. We work to fulfill our mission in a manner that inspires the public’s trust and confidence and protects the Constitutional rights of each citizen during our their most desperate time of need. "
"Our public safety professionals are trained by Communications Training Officers (CTO's) who receive their training and certification through the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO). Training our team members in this fashion
ensures our community and public safety partners receive the highest level of service, with an
emphasis on consistency."
"Through the Frontline Quality Assurance & Quality Improvement Program, Mountain Valley's Communications Training Officers and Training and Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Coordinator can closely monitor the training progress of new and veteran team members. The Frontline solution meets the APCO/NENA ANS Standard for Establishment of a Quality Assurance and
Quality Improvement Program for
Public Safety Answering Points."